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Saturday, 22 October 2011

wedding planner from kedah

salam n hi to all readers..
*if ada org nak baca la kan*

iyfah skrg tengah rotation emergency medicine yg sangat interesting!
hari tu dapat tgk case resuscitation
yg kena buat CPR segala..
first time la dapat tgk live
tapi the person did not make it...
she was an old lady 

ok, back to the story
nak review sikit la vendors2 yg iyfah sempat jenguk
time cuti summer yang lalu
and this entry juga to help
other b2b from kedah esp alor star area
to make their decision~

ni memang totally my personal thoughts
xde niat nak jatuhkan sape2
and xde niat nak naikkan sape2 ok

there are few butik dekat area shahab perdana
but satu nie je yg iyfah contact via FB

butik cinta
ni first butik yg i came across the owner FB
boleh click sini
bajet memang sesuai utk semua la
dari sederhana ke mega pun boleh buat rasanya
the owner sgt prompt jawab email
PR mantap

but x kena sikit dengan my personal taste 

tar tera 
they have the FB account but it is not updated
iyfah pergi butik myself
baju agak menarik
and the owner did show me some latest piccas
we like the idea of kerawang2 as background
macam wedding elyana
as susah juga nak jumpa dekat area kedah ni
budget agak sesuai utk sederhana dan ke atas la

gens great idea
PR mantap
ikmal as the owner mmg prompt in answering question 
on FB
butik mmg vogue habis
baju pun cantik2 belaka
cakap je apa nak, if they could do it
they will do it
budget : GGI boleh cater semua lapisan 

butik kamarulyani
the owner sangat ramah dan prompt in answering ur question
en kamarul prefer to talk face to face if nak discuss things
pelamin agak cantik dan nice make up
budget iyfah tak sure

iras prestige
kedai ni dekat jalan pegawai
the owner pun cepat answer Q melalui FB
baju dia sangat cantk! 
iyfah suka
pelamin pun lawa2..
budget sesuai dari sederhana ke atas

the owner (paksu) adalah sgt baik dan peramah orangnya
they boleh cater semua lapisan budget
boleh nk minta design sendiri 
utk pelamin dan baju

saidie bridal
pelamin cantik
baju lawa
owner sgt baik dan ramah
*he has a cute lil boy*
they also offer photography package
together with the wedding package

hmm.. iyfah tau im not saying too much here
bcoz tak suka sangat memberi komen negative 
if rasa nak tnya personally, boleh la send me an email

insyaAllah if i have the knowledge and experience
i will answer ur questions

myself  mmg agak cerewet
i have my pelamin impian
and i have my preference in wedding gowns
and make up too!

rasanya penting kot utk setiap vendor actually
respect pendapat client dan try to listen first
before actually say anything

kami b2b tahu yg korang mmg have better 
knowledge in this arena
but as we are the one who will be paying you
so why can't spend your time to listen
and have a good discussion

dan jangan la pandang client sebelah mata
if pakai hodoh-x semestinya x mampu
dan if x mampu, janganla memperlekehkan mereka

dan b2b pun, if bajet ciput
janganla dream for vogue and superb pelamin, dress etc
pening kepala WP nak pikiaq with that budget

bagi iyfah
communication sangat penting
if rasa u have the chemistry and
yakin they could do the way u want it
go on la.

and for me
kebolehan dan ruang untuk kriktik your own WP
is penting for us n for them
if x suka design pelamin
or it turn out not as expected
just say it out
rather than bermasam muka sepanjang majlis
and regret it later
and it is good for WP too
sbb nnti kita boleh recommend them to others!

thats all from now

if ada addition
i will review it later ok!

till then


Anonymous said...

i dah follow u..


scha nur

Wanie said...

sangat berguna untuk mase depan ni (:

ade tag sis :)

Suria said...

suria kna cari area sungai petani saja, coz umah family kt gurun..nak cari area alor star kang vendor charge transportation lelebih plak..

agak payah lagi, sbb kerja kt kl..uwaaaa...~~ benci sungguh

Unknown said...

me to b2b from kedah....hehe. mmg pening mencari WP, fotog sume dh finalise nak amik syamsais kot..senang dgn paksu. sabtu ni nk g jpa dia discuss design baju & tgh cr MUA. sbb nak yg leh dtg umah. any idea? huhu....

iyfahjo said...

Suria- iyfah pun xda kt byk survey2 online and jumpa bila sempat.. Tpi tu la..kedah ni x berkembang lagi..huu

Wieda- boleh tgk dkt review make up ifah. Sgt recommended. Mmg dia dtg rumah. Ifah ada juga contact mua lain. InsyaAllah, nnti ifah review.

VillaPengantin said...

Assalamualaikum. just happened to cross ur blog, and impressive.

I like ur statement most on the 'good listener'. A quality not many people have, and hardly to find one. To find a good listener, provoke her/him with sumthing defensive and u'll see how good can she/he listen to u :p

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